Macs Dad Out It Back and.try Again

You don't really get to cull your neighbors. All yous can exercise is endeavour your best to exist a good 1 and promise they will too. Unless they're interim like they're the only residents in the neighborhood. And then you have probable cause for retaliation.

A few weeks ago, Redditor u/Robwaudby made a mail on the platform, asking "What'due south the worst affair you have ever done to an annoying neighbor?" And people immediately started replying with their stories—as if they were merely waiting for someone to confess to.

From destroying lawns with bouillon cubes to filling locks with superglue, here are some of the nigh memorable stories from the 6,000 comments the post has received then far.

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors My wife and I had a neighbor who hated us considering their family friends who went through a divorce lived there before united states, and we bought the house. They were mean to my married woman, parked across our driveway when she was near to go to work, threw pieces of woods over our fence, and allow their dog cr*p on our backyard without picking it up. I tried talking to them a couple times and was promptly told to f-off. The hubby used to brag well-nigh his backyard to everyone, so the next time information technology rained, I threw an entire box of burgoo cubes into their lawn and let the rain melt them into the grass. Their domestic dog absolutely destroyed their yard looking for the smell, and I would brand sure to comment on information technology every run a risk I got.

Caffinejunkie9 , Robbie Sproule Report

u/Robwaudby usually scrolls through Reddit to meet what funny questions people have come upward with. This time, however, he was doing the asking.

"I was sitting on my sofa watching Idiot box and like almost people, I have an annoying neighbor," the Redditor told Bored Panda. "She thinks she's the queen of the street."

"I thought to myself, 'I wonder how many stories people have about abrasive neighbors?' That'due south when the question came together; I wanted to know how far people go to get dorsum at them."

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors My firm is correct on the corner of an surface area where the road turns into a T, I had problems with people cutting the corner and driving through my grand( one day someone damn virtually hit my dog) I went and bought a Boulder probably 300 or 400 pounds and put right on the corner. Come wintertime and we had a bad snowstorm. Someone was coming through in a lifted dodge and striking the Boulder going about 20 and totaled the truck. Since and so though I've had 0 bug with people.

Prestigious-Yoghurt3 , grendelkhan Study

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors I had a terrible piece of work schedule and had to wake up at 2:thirty to be at work by 4. My downstairs neighbors would blare loud music at all hours of the night, and I could feel the bass through my mattress. I went downstairs and politely asked them to turn it down, and they seemed to kindly agree. As soon as I got back in bed, they turned it up even louder and kept it going until about 1:30. Earlier I left for work at 3:30, I turned over my amplifier so the speaker was facing the floor, turned the book upwards, and set my guitar on pinnacle of it. I left for my 12-hour shift, and the feedback was still screaming when I came domicile. The neighbors never blared their music over again.

4bangeranger , John Tuggle Written report

A recent survey by Porch, a site that connects homeowners and professional contractors, discovered that the worst neighbors are nosy ones — those who cross the line of a friendly moving ridge to peeping into other people's yards, getting besides personal when meeting at the mailbox, or just a general invasion of privacy.

The other elevation iv irritating activities of neighbors include being likewise loud, non being able to choice up afterwards their pets, parking in someone else's designated spot, and leaving their children unsupervised.

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors Friend had a neighbor who put in a very bright grand calorie-free that was pointed at her chamber window. After a negative interaction when asking neighbor to re aim or dim the lite or such, cue theatre stagehands. She put upwardly a parabolic mirror pointed directly at dudes sleeping room, used an erstwhile projector dowser, and an old lighting board to program a chase sequence that was hours long and repeated. Cease event was a beam of randomly blinking calorie-free that was aimed at neighbors bedroom window. When he complained she allow him know that it was his light source and all he had to do was plough off his yard light.

hippybiker , steve p2008 Study

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors When I was really young our neighbor (druggy) demanded nosotros move our septic tank because he claimed it was partially on his property. He was a complete jerk virtually it and kept at it. My dads a really laid back person, eventually even he got mad and had the property line surveyed. Turns out not just was the septic tank on our belongings, not his, but the corner of his house and function of his bulldoze style was actually on our country. Dad spent the next few months asking him when he was going to move his firm off our land.

lovetolearn4ever , bertknot Report

u/Robwaudby didn't expect that their post would become 16k upvotes or 6k comments. "Some people are really willing to fight dorsum at an annoying neighbor and really go farthermost on them," the OP said.

"[But I] recall most people have good and bad neighbors. Some of the reasons for falling out with them tend to be garden debate-related or simply loud music, something forth these lines."

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors Not particularly exciting, but amusing.

Nosotros briefly had a neighbor who was a consummate jackass. My personal pet peeve was when he would yell at our kids to "shut upwardly" while they were playing in the lawn.

Side by side to his driveway was a big tree and I noticed he'd throw occasional hissy fits over the birds cr*pping on his auto.

I week he was out of town but his car was however in the driveway. Each twenty-four hours I put a heaping pile of berries (blueberries, strawberries, etc.) next to the tree. He returned home to a car admittedly COVERED in technicolor bird poop.

RandoBoomer , Florence Gray Report

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors Our neighbors were constantly fighting, would get drunk every weekend, and blasted loud music until iv a.m. Well, the girlfriend went out of boondocks for a calendar week for a work training, and we saw some other girl park exterior the firm while she was gone. We heard the new girl and the BF going at it very loudly too. So the next time they were being super loud at ii a.m., nosotros went over to enquire them to pass up the music. They both yelled at us to listen our own business. My wife just casually asked, 'Oh, did you lot get back together? What about that nice blonde girl who was over all last week? Is this a thrupple situation now?' Then we went home and enjoyed listening to them throwing everyone out and having their last fight.

Wind_Yer_Neck_In , Leon Hoffman Report

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors My grandmother had a neighbor who refused to help her repair the fence between their backdrop. It was still functional, but falling apart. Whatever conversation about fixing the fence ended with him saying that it was on her property so it was her fence and therefore she was fully responsible.
My grandmother took a fall and was hospitalized for a few weeks, but to return home and find a new fence built an extra five anxiety into her property and a bill in the mail from the neighbour. He argued with her for months that she owed him, that the original contend was on his property, and that where it was at present was the boundary line.

My grandmother got a surveyor and, surprise! The original fence was correct, and the neighbor had taken five feet off her grand. At this point she was very old, frail, and tired of fighting her a-hole neighbor. Instead, she allow nature accept over. She planted blackberries along the back fence, and within ii years information technology was covered. Every year, she'd walk the fence and throw seeds over because, of course, it was still her thousand. After five years of fighting, the blackberries had reclaimed her property. She's been gone for a few years now, merely the blackberries remain, her manner of haunting her neighbor. He's tried ripping up the ones on his side of the fence on numerous occasions, but the plants reseed themselves and grow back every year from her side.

almost_a_person , marc falardeauFollow Study

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors The rich brats adjacent door always threw loud, drunken parties when their parents were out of town. One Sun morning, I went out to observe the corner of our lot (which was a school jitney stop) littered with used condoms. That nighttime around midnight, I gloved-up and collected a bunch of them, snuck into the neighbors' yard, and scattered them around the pool, the garage, and the dorsum door where mom was certain to see them. In that location were no more parties.

TGMcGonigle , Jacob Bentzinger Study

While the people that Porch surveyed called out their neighbors, they also admitted their own shortcomings. 1 in 10 said they sometimes play music likewise loudly or talk loudly plenty that information technology might annoy their neighbors. 2 in 10 said they don't know the names of any of their neighbors, while 6 in 10 said they know the names of just some of their neighbors.

Every bit cliché as it sounds, I estimate change starts from within, huh?

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors My smashing-grandpa was ane of the last people in town to get indoor plumbing, so he had an outhouse in his yard. Every Halloween, the neighborhood kids came into the yard and knocked over the building to betrayal the cesspit. He got tired of it, so ane year on the night earlier Halloween, he moved the building forrard and covered the fess with burlap, disguising information technology in leaves and grass clippings. In the nighttime, it was virtually incommunicable to tell it was in that location. On Halloween night, he saturday in the outhouse and waited. Information technology wasn't long after sundown when he heard the wet splat exterior every bit a couple of kids brutal into the muck. He lowered a ladder into the cesspit for them to go out after making them promise to never mess with his outhouse again. The kids honored their hope and even spread the word around the neighborhood not to mess with that outhouse any more.

Lentra888 , LaggedOnUserFollow Report

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors Neighbor used to insist on mowing his lawn at five:thirty am every Saturday morning. He had to drive on our property to access his back lawn and would buzz correct by my window with the mower deck down waking me up. I asked him to end but was brushed off.

Ane Fri nighttime after working a late second shift I left my dogs chain in the tall grass on our property between our houses. 5:30am Sabbatum comes effectually and I woke upwardly to the sound of the mower sucking the chain up into the mower deck. The side by side weekend I got to sleep in.

mdw825 , Sean Hobson Report

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors My mom's neighbour called the city to need my mom repair the fence that divided their yards. This lady had been a crab apple for 10+ years, just this move pissed my mom off. The fence did need mild repairs, just my mom was already in the process of getting quotes to fix it and would have done it if the neighbor had just talked to her. When the city contacted my mom and said she had to maintain the fence, she asked if she legally had to have 1. Turns out there are rules near maintaining a contend, but not requiring you take i, so my mom paid a contractor to tear it downwards entirely. The neighbor asked my mom when the new argue would exist built, and she said, 'You want a fence? Build it yourself!' A couple weeks later, my mom had a nice new fence, courtesy of one annoying neighbor.

robothouserock , Rob Written report

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors Poured salt all over my neighbors backyard after his living s**ts for kids threw bricks at my dogs. All-time part is, he endemic one of the largest lawn care companies in my hometown. He lost a tremendous amount of business concern once his prize winning lawn turned into a barren wasteland.

HernandezFam2020 , Leonid Mamchenkov Report

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors In higher I lived beyond from a frat house that would allow people park in our spaces.

Their router password was admin. Then I logged into their router, banned all of their MAC Addresses and inverse the password.

bobbingforburners , Sean MacEntee Report

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors My grandpa's neighbor'south septic tank started leaking into my granddaddy's backyard. He repeatedly asked his neighbor to fix the tank and make clean up the mess, and the neighbor completely brushed him off. So my granddad took matters into his ain hands. He rigged up a 'plumbing organisation' in his thou — an upright PVC pipe that pointed at the neighbor's backyard. Information technology was prepare up to spray the neighbour's own septic waste over the fence and into their beautiful and polished grand. Merely like that, the neighbor stock-still his septic tank.

lonedandelion , wikimedia.commons Report

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors On my terminal twenty-four hours in my quondam apartment, I peed on a plate and stuck it in the freezer. I and then waited until information technology froze, then discrete the frozen pee disc from the plate and slid it under his front door so that it would eventually melt on his carpet.

Thanks for three years of loud music at 3 AM every night, neighbour.

AussieJimboLives , Aaron Report

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors I had a noisy neighbor in the flat above me. The music was SO loud in the hallway that I couldn't tell which unit it was coming from at beginning. I knocked on his door and politely asked him to turn it down, but he refused, and I knew I wouldn't get anywhere with him. After a few more days of this, I decided to accept action. The laundry room on my floor had all of the electric panels for private units clearly labelled. Every time he blasted his music, I would become to the laundry room and plow his power off. I started off with a few seconds (to give the illusion that he blew something), but when he Withal wouldn't put his music lower, I would but shut his power off for hours. I could hear him swearing, but I didn't care. My lease was almost up, and every bit presently every bit it was, I was out of there.

TropicalPrairie , Peretz Partensky Report

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors My dad was talking to our neighbor most what color he should paint the house, and as a joke he said, 'Well, I might too pigment the old ane (business firm) bluish!' The neighbour became well-nigh angry and started going off about how that was stupid and he couldn't practise that. Well, that's the story of how I grew up in a blue house.

Stokbakko , Megan Report

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors Neighbors dog kept pooping in the front end , similar they open the front door allow him out and he poop in our yard. I asked them like 10x to just clean information technology up no problem.

They outright refused and so for about ii months I went out picked it up put it in a v gallon bucket outside in the back yard when it was full of rain water and poop I walked over and dumped it on the front porch. Information technology actually worked they started cleaning up afterward the domestic dog. We really have been absurd since then.

immortallyhappy , Kevin Written report

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors When I was 10 or so, an old lady was nasty to my brother and I for sitting on 'her' adjourn. So we got the bright idea to have an manor sale for her. We got upwardly at like 4 a.m. on Saturday morning time and put upwardly homemade cardboard garage sale signs with her address on them and 'early birds welcome' in assuming letters. Nosotros then sat on the adjourn a lilliputian downwardly the street beyond from her house and watched people bang on the door for an hour or so. The all-time role is nosotros didn't put a date on the signs, and then if she didn't find all the signs, presumably people would keep showing up every Saturday.

AlaskanBiologist , Sir Mildred Pierce Report

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors They assaulted my dad because he told them to stop yelling at a woman parked in the road, so I bided my time for a few weeks and then filled all the locks on their work van with superglue.

kutuup1989 , Jakub Steiner Report

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors Nosotros lived in a neighborhood of townhouses. One neighbor let their dogs [poop] all over anybody's lawn and never picked information technology up. Nosotros tried asking them, we tried picking it up and putting it on their doorstep, but they still refused to do information technology. My one neighbor decided to get a piece of it and smear it all over the forepart of the firm. After that, they started picking it up.

CrabPplCrabPpl , Mitch Barrie Report

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors At that place was a actually repose, meek guy on our street, and a neighbor would constantly let their canis familiaris poo on his forepart lawn. He tried all the normal things like pepper on the lawn, motion sprinklers, and little signs, but the dog possessor didn't care. Well, ane day the guy got and then mad, he mashed up and liquified his OWN POO and put information technology into a super soaker. He followed the homo home, then returned in the center of the night and emptied the super soaker through the man'south letterbox. The impact splatter striking the walls, hallway, stairs, ceiling and even reached into the kitchen at the finish of the hallway. Patently the stench was HORRENDOUS.

ArcherOk6223 , DeclanTM Report

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors My parents have an extremely nosey neighbour who would just stand up at the debate and sentinel what nosotros do. I mean with her olfactory organ resting on the top of the argue. This woman is 60s with kids and grandkids. I found out the other solar day my dad was in the garden with a shovel. Turns out he throws the slugs and snails in their trampoline and on their veggie plot for being annoying every fourth dimension they aren't there. I couldn't stop laughing at how little and hilarious this was. Still makes my day.

23Tam56 , Bunny Paffenroth Report

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors They would party on weeknights until 3a playing music outside and existence loud AF. Cops said at that place was zip they could practice, and so I started doing k work at 5a. Yard work consisted of me using a chainsaw with a loose muffler to cut up an former tree. Information technology was so loud that I had to habiliment ear plugs and ear muffs.

gimme3strokes , Simon Law Written report

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors Years ago, when you could advertise house sales in the paper without too many pictures, my brother put in an ad for his obnoxious neighbour's house. Information technology was only an exterior picture and was priced about 75K under market as a private sale with the neighbor's phone number. He establish out the guy was inundated with calls for weeks simply never plant out who had listed it.

hank-_-the-_-tank , pavel-danilyuk Report

29 Petty Things People Actually Did To Take Revenge On Their Annoying Neighbors I poured a bunch of instant mashed potato powder boxes on their backyard, then when it rained, they had a lawn full of mashed potatoes.

MurderDoneRight , Andrew Filer Report


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